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Using nanocrystalline cellulose (NCC) and surface acylated NCC were used as strengthening agents, a newpolylactic acid (PLA) based composite membranes were prepared which can be used as biodegradable food packaging materials. The performance of the composite membranes were tested to investigate the effects of acylation modification on the composite membranes.NCC do have reinforce barrier properties on PLA, but not so obviously because of its bad dispensionin PLA, the reunion of NCC also resulting in the reduction of mechanical properties of composite membrane. After hydrophobically modified, NCC ester can be dispersed well in organic solvent, thus has little effect on the transparency of composite films, due to the stronger interfacial bonding force between polylactic acid and NCC ester, the mechanical and barrier properties of the composite films were promoted. As a new kind of degradable food packaging materials, the composite membranes showed great application potential in food realted industries.