采用深层油炸模型,利用色差仪、脂肪测定仪和质构仪等分析测试手段,研究了油炸过程中挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳的表观色度、水分含量、含油率及硬度、脆度和易碎性等质构参数的变化。试验结果表明,随油炸温度的升高和时间的延长,挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳的白度(L*值)逐渐降低,红度(a*值)和黄度(b*值)不断增加;复炸时间较短时,产品外壳白度较高,黄度较低;复炸时间过长时,油炸产品外壳红度过高。质构分析显示,随复炸时间的增加,油炸食品外壳的硬度增大,脆性和易碎性得到改善。此外,挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳的含油率与水分含量之间具有负相关关系,相关系数(R2)高达0.981。就色度、含油率和质构而言,在初炸100 s和复炸40-60 s的条件下,制备的挂糊油炸猪肉片外壳具有较高的食用品质。
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Changes in color, moisture, oil-content, hardness, and crispness of crusts of battered and deep-fat-fried pork slices during the frying process were studied using a colorimeter, fat analyzer, and texture analyzer. The results showed that with an increased frying temperature and prolonged frying time, L* value of the crusts decreased, and both, a* and b* values increased. L* value was relatively high and b* value was relatively low when the second-frying time was shortened. On the other hand, a* value was relatively high when the second-frying time was prolonged. Texture analysis indicated that the hardness of the crusts increased and the crispness improved with increased second-frying time. Additionally, a strong negative correlation was observed between the oil and moisture contents of crusts (R2 = 0.981). Based on color, oil content, and texture, the crusts fried at 180 ℃ for 100 s and refried at 200 ℃ for 40~60 s achieved a relatively higher edible quality.