自葡萄原料生产地选育优良酿造特性的本土酵母是开发地方特色葡萄酒品种的重要措施。本研究以烟台地区贵人香葡萄自然发酵醪为材料,筛选酿酒酵母并对其发酵特点和耐受能力进行测定,进而选育本土酿酒酵母用于霞多丽干白和赤霞珠干红葡萄酒的酿造试验。采用孟加拉红选择性培养基筛选本土酵母菌,并经WL鉴定培养基和5.8S ITS序列鉴定获得12株酿酒酵母。通过测定发酵后残糖量和酒精度及耐受能力(酒精度、SO2、酸、高糖),选育4株酵母用于酿造霞多丽干白葡萄酒,对酒样指标、主要挥发物和香气组分分析,显示菌株YGF2、YGF5和YGF10的酿造特性和发酵指标较好,并用于酿造赤霞珠干红葡萄酒。结果表明菌株YGF2酿造的葡萄酒质量较好,香气浓郁,部分指标优于商品酿酒酵母,具备生产区域特色葡萄酒的潜力。
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Screening of indigenous yeasts with good fermentation characteristics from grape growing areas is an important method for the development of wine varieties with local characteristics. In this paper, the mash of spontaneous fermentation of Italian Riesling grapes (Yantai region) was used as the material to screen Saccharomyces cerevisiae; its fermentation characteristics and alcohol tolerance were measured and, consequently, indigenous yeast strains were selected for the brewing test of Chardonnay dry white and Cabernet Sauvignon dry red wines. Rose Bengal Agar selective medium was used for the screening of indigenous yeasts and twelve S. cerevisiae strains were obtained using Wallerstein Laboratory (WL) medium and 5.8S internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence analysis. After the residual sugar, alcohol content, and alcohol tolerance were determined (alcohol content, SO2, organic acid, and high concentration of glucose), four S. cerevisiae strains were selected to produce Chardonnay dry white wine. Wine sample index, main volatiles, and aroma component were analyzed and strains YGF2, YGF5, and YGF10 presented relatively good brewing characteristics. They were then used for the production of Cabernet Sauvignon dry red wine. The results showed that the wine produced by strain YGF2 presented a relatively good quality and a rich aroma. Strain YGF2 exhibited some better indices than the commercial yeasts and presented a potential to produce a wine with local characteristics.