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Microwave drying can shorten the drying time and improve the product quality of dehydrated apples. The drying characteristics of apple were investigated using six fixed-temperature and three stage-changed temperature microwave-drying strategies. The results showed that the drying rate with the fixed-temperature strategy slowly decreased in the middle stage, leading to reduction in the quality of dehydrated apple. The controlled drying-rate strategy showed a constant drying rate in the middle stage, but a defective initial stage. The drying rate for the linear-temperature strategy was nearly constant; drying time and energy consumption were acceptable, while sensory and color quality improved. To simplify the linear-temperature strategy, a three-step temperature strategy was used. The quality of the products decreased slightly, but the equipment used was greatly simplified so as to be more conducive for industrial applications. These results indicate a potential application of microwave drying techniques for apple processing.