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Elimination of lead by Auricularia auricular and its extracts was investigated using a preventive, high-lead rat model. Lead content and lead clearance rates in the blood, brain, liver, kidney, femur, urine, and feces of experimental groups treated with A. auricular and its various extracts were analyzed. The results showed that A. auricular could decrease lead content in the femur, blood, liver, kidneys and brain of lead-poisoned rats (P< 0.05), with clearance rates of 28.61%, 59.94%, 59.64%, 15.84%, and 29.41%, respectively. The A. auricular ethanol extract decreased lead content in blood (clearance rate: 63.47%) and increased lead content in urine (clearance rate: -55.45%); aqueous extract caused an increase in lead content in feces (clearance rate: -26.60%). Moreover, the extract residue showed a decrease in lead content in the femur, liver, kidneys, and brain (clearance rates: 49.82%, 74.21%, 74.76%, and 80.59%, respectively). These results indicate that A. auricular exerts good lead-eliminating effects in lead-poisoned rats, achieved by the synergistic action of its multiple components.