为了获得风味良好的火麻仁油酸奶,本文以脱脂酸奶和全脂酸奶为对照,以火麻仁油和脱脂乳粉配成复合乳,经微射流处理后,发酵制备出以火麻仁油替代乳脂的凝固型火麻仁油酸奶,进一步研究了其流变学性质、微观结构、挥发性风味成分以及感官评价。结果表明微射流处理能获得质地均一的火麻仁油酸奶。当火麻仁油用量在3.0%时,火麻仁油酸奶的持水力、流变学性质及网络结构均与全乳脂酸奶接近,但挥发性香气成分及感官评价差异比较大,其中酸奶的特征性香气成分3-羟基-2-丁酮和2,3-丁二酮的含量比全乳脂酸奶低,并含有火麻仁油的特征性成分石竹烯、D-柠檬烯和β-月桂烯等;当火麻仁油的含量为1.5%时,火麻仁油酸奶的酸度值为97oT、持水力为85%、屈服应力τ0为15 Pa、表观粘度η50为0.54 Pa?s,总体可接收度与全乳脂酸奶没有显著性差异(p<0.05)。可见,1.5%的火麻仁油酸奶总体可接受度高,具有良好的应用前景。
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Solidifying yogurt was supplemented with hemp seed oil to improve flavor of the resultant yogurt; homogenous mixture was obtained using microfluidization. Subsequently, the rheological properties, microstructure, volatile flavor components, and sensory evaluation of the yogurt prepared from skim milk powder and microfluidized hemp seed oil (HMY) were compared to control samples (skim milk yogurt [SMY] and whole milk yogurt [WMY]). Using 3.0% hemp seed oil in yogurt, the water holding capacity, rheological properties, and microstructure of the yogurt was similar to those of WMY. However, the characteristic, volatile flavor components and sensory evaluation results were significantly different: the content of 3-hydroxy-2-butanone and 2,3-diacetyl in 3.0% hemp seed oil yogurt was significantly lower than those in WMY, whereas caryophyllene, D-limonene, and β-myrene were detected in 3.0% hemp seed oil yogurt. With 1.5% hemp seed oil in yogurt, the titratable acidity was 97oT, water-holding capacity (WHC) was 85%, yield stress (τ0) was 15 Pa, and apparent viscosity (η50) was 0.54 Pa?s; while it showed no significant difference (p < 0.05) with regard to overall acceptability, compared with WMY. It was concluded that addition of 1.5% hemp seed oil possessed high overall acceptability and shows good potential for commercial application.
国家“863”计划项目(2013AA102201);广州市对外科技合作项目( 213J4500021)