本文采用绿透袋和无纺布袋两种处理,研究采前套袋对采后茌梨果实质构及生理特性的影响。于花后60 d时进行套袋处理,测定贮藏过程中硬度、弹性、粘性、内聚性和咀嚼性等质构特性,并进行可溶性固形物(TSS)、乙烯释放速率、失重率、虎皮病发生率及腐烂率的测定。结果表明,在贮藏120 d时,未套袋果实、套绿透袋和套无纺布袋果实硬度分别下降了23.54%、42.46%、34.40%,失重率分别为20.23%、30.05%和23.30%,腐烂率分别为6.81%、61.36%和17.02%。与套绿透袋处理相比,套无纺布处理茌梨果实在贮藏过程中的硬度和弹性下降较缓,粘性和内聚性先升高随后保持平稳,而咀嚼性基本保持不变,但都明显高于套绿透袋果实;乙烯释放速度降低,而TSS含量明显高于套绿透袋果实,果实的失重率和腐烂率则明显低于套绿透袋果实。套无纺布袋处理的果实其质构特性明显优于套绿透袋果实,但是综合贮藏品质次于对照。
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In this paper, the effects of pre-harvest bagging treatments using green transparent plastic and non-woven bags on the texture and physiological characteristics of “Chili” fruits have been discussed. The plants were bagged for 60 days after flowering, and the texture characteristics of the fruits, including hardness, elasticity, viscosity, cohesiveness, and chewiness were determined during fruit storage. The total soluble solids (TSS) content, rate of ethylene release, fruit decay, weight loss, and superficial scald incidence were also measured. The results showed that after storage of 120 d, fruit hardness of non-bagged fruit, plastic-bagged fruit, and non-woven bagged fruit decreased by 23.54%, 42.46%, and 34.40%, respectively; the rate of weight loss was reduced by 20.23%, 30.05%, and 23.30%, whereas the rate of decay was declined by 6.81%, 61.36%, and 17.02%, respectively. Fruits bagged in non-woven bags maintained a slower decrease in hardness and elasticity than did those in the plastic-bagged fruits; the viscosity and cohesiveness of these fruits increased initially and were then maintained at a stable level, with no obvious changes in chewiness. The texture characteristics of fruits stored in non-woven bags were better than of those stored in plastic. The fruits in non-woven bags also shaped a lower ethylene release rate, significantly higher TSS content, and a significantly lower rate of weight loss and decay than those in plastic-bagged fruits. The fruit texture characteristics were also better when stored in non-woven bags. However, the comprehensive storage quality was not as good as those of non-bagged fruits.