研究了中温协同超高压处理对椰肉原浆的杀菌工艺,设计了一种间歇施压的组合方式,研究了不同压力组合、保压时间、协同温度对椰肉原浆菌落总数、非酶褐变指数、过氧化值、pH值、色泽等指标的影响。采用正交试验优化杀菌工艺条件,并与巴氏杀菌工艺进行比较,分析了杀菌前后椰肉原浆杀菌效果及感官品质的变化。结果表明,中温协同超高压处理具有很好的杀菌效果,可以抑制椰肉原浆的非酶褐变,且对椰肉原浆的色泽具有很好的保护作用。椰肉原浆超高压最佳杀菌工艺参数为:先低压200 MPa/5 min,再高压500 MPa/5 min,协同温度35 ℃,此工艺下菌落总数为63 cfu/g,杀菌率达99.9%。与巴氏杀菌处理相比,中温协同超高压处理很好的保持了椰肉原浆原有的色、香、味。该杀菌工艺的研究为椰肉原浆的贮藏保鲜提供了理论依据。
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The sterilization process for coconut puree was studied using ultrahigh-pressure and mild-temperature processing. A combination mode was developed, which applied pressure intermittently to study the effect of different pressure combinations, holding time, and processing temperatures on the colony count, non-enzymatic browning degree, peroxide value, pH value, and color of coconut puree. The sterilization conditions were optimized by orthogonal experimentation. In addition, the process was compared to pasteurization; the sterilization effect and changes in sensory characteristics of the coconut puree were analyzed before and after sterilization. The results indicated that ultrahigh pressure treatment at mild temperature had a very good sterilization effect, inhibited non-enzymatic browning, and protected the color of coconut puree. The optimized sterilization process was as follows: low-pressure treatment (200 MPa at 35 ℃) for 5 min followed by high pressure(500 MPa at 35 ℃) for another 5 min. Under these conditions, the colony count was 63 cfu/g, and the sterilization rate was up to 99.9%. Compared to pasteurization, the ultrahigh-pressure processing at mild temperature preserved the original color, aroma, and flavor of coconut puree to a greater extent. This study thus provides a theoretical basis for storage and preservation of coconut puree.