本文以成熟冬枣为试材,选取冰温贮藏和自发气调袋贮藏两种方式,测定贮藏过程中的硬度、弹性、粘性、内聚性和咀嚼性等质构特性,并进行贮藏相关生理指标的测定。结果表明,冰温贮藏可以延缓冬枣果实的硬度、粘性和弹性的下降,延缓冬枣质构的衰变,同时降低可溶性果胶含量,从而抑制冬枣果实的软化。自发气调袋处理的果实其质构特性明显优于对照果实,且冬枣果实在贮藏过程中失重率明显低于对照和冰温贮藏的冬枣果实。对照果实,冰温处理和自发气调保鲜袋处理的冬枣果实贮藏至20 d时,失重率分别为12.02%,10.25%和1.17%。自发气调保鲜袋处理可以延缓冬枣果实的Vc含量下降,保持果实较高的营养品质。冰温贮藏能够延缓果皮花青苷的形成,贮藏20 d后红色果皮部分不到1/3,而自发气调保鲜袋处理的果实花青苷会正常合成。自发气调袋处理的效果优于冰温贮藏。
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The fruit texture properties such as firmness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, and chewiness, as well as storage-related physiological indicators were measured in this study. The results showed that ice-temperature storage delayed the reduction in firmness, adhesiveness, and springiness, postponed fruit senescence, and lowered the soluble pectin content, thereby preventing softening of the winter jujube. Fruit packaged in modified atmosphere showed better texture than the control, and the rate of weight loss during storage was significantly lower than that with control as well as that with ice-temperature storage. After 20 days storage, the rate of weight loss in the control, fruits treated with ice-temperature storage, and fruits packaged in modified atmosphere were 12.02%, 10.25%, and 1.17%, respectively. Modified atmosphere packaging delayed the decrease in Vc content and maintained higher nutritional quality of the winter jujube fruit. Ice-temperature storage delayed anthocyanin synthesis in the fruit peel, which showed less than one-third red coloration after 20-day storage, whereas anthocyanin synthesis occurred normally in the fruits packaged in modified atmosphere. In summary, modified atmosphere packaging was more effective for fruit storage than ice-temperature storage.