为延长鲜切彩椒的贮藏期,提升产品价值,本文将60Co γ辐照技术应用于鲜切彩椒加工过程,研究了不同辐照剂量对鲜切彩椒减菌效果及营养和理化性质的影响。结果表明:辐照对鲜切彩椒具有显著减菌效果。辐照剂量≥0.52 kGy的处理可以显著减少鲜切彩椒的细菌总数和大肠菌群数,达到国家和地方标准的要求;辐照对肠炎沙门氏菌(D10=0.22),英诺克李斯特菌(D10=0.21)杀灭效果显著,可使染菌量小于102 cfu/g的鲜切彩椒达到无检出的要求。辐照剂量≤1.81 kGy的处理对鲜切彩椒失重率,可溶性固形物,亚硝酸盐含量在5%水平上无显著影响;对鲜切彩椒硬度、Vc含量的下降起延缓作用,对鲜切彩椒的色泽、气味、质地、滋味、组织状态等感官方面可接受性没有显著影响。因此,处于0.52~1.81 kGy范围内的辐照剂量可以有效的控制鲜切彩椒的微生物而不影响其食用和感官品质,货架期可达6 d。
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In order to extend the shelf life of color pepper and enhance its product value, 60Co-γ irradiation was used to the processing of freshly cut color pepper. The effect of different doses on the decontamination, nutritional value, and physicochemical properties of color pepper was studied. The results showed that γ-irradiation could effectively reduce bacterial load in freshly cut color pepper. An irradiation dose of 0.52 kGy or higher significantly reduced the total bacterial count and coliform load, thus meeting the requirements of national and local standards. Irradiation resulted in eradication of Salmonella enteritidis (D10 = 0.22 kGy) and Listeria innocua (D10 = 0.21 kGy), with no bacteria detected in the color pepper samples, and a contamination level of 102 cfu/g was achieved. Irradiation at doses 1.81 kGy had no significant impact (above 5% level) on the weight loss, soluble solid content, and nitrite content of the color pepper samples. Moreover, irradiation delayed the loss of firmness and Vc content and did not significantly affect sensory aspects such as color, smell, texture, flavor, and tissue. Irradiation of 0.52~1.81 kGy was thus shown to effectively control microbial population in freshly cut color pepper samples without affecting its edibility or sensory qualities, which extended its shelf life up to six weeks.