为探索不同温度下干制红枣品质的评价方法,采用TPA分析法(质地剖面分析)和化学分析法分别测定了50(27 h)、60(18 h)、70 ℃(12 h)热风干燥,自然阴干(35 d)和糖心枣(ck)5种样品的质地参数(硬度、黏着性、弹性、内聚性、咀嚼性、回复性)及糖酸比,通过相关性分析并对质地参数进行聚类分析。结果表明:干制显著改变了红枣的质地性状,硬度显著降低、而黏附性显著升高(P<0.05);60 ℃(18 h)热风干制红枣样品保持了较好的硬度、黏附性、咀嚼性、弹性和糖酸比参数,具有较好的质地性状和口感风味,优于50 ℃(27 h)和70 ℃(12 h)热风干制及自然阴干(35 d)红枣的品质。质地参数间有较好的相关性,聚类分析可实现对不同条件下干制红枣质地品质的区分,为干制红枣的质地性状等级评价提供了理论参考。
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In the present study, the quality of dried Chinese jujube was evaluated. Texture profile analysis (TPA) and chemical analysis were applied to evaluate texture parameters and TS-to-TA ratio of hot-air drying (at 50 ℃ for 27 h, 60 ℃ for 18 h and 70 ℃ for 12 h), natural drying (35 d) and sugar-preserved jujube, through correlation and cluster. These results demonstrated that texture parameters were significantly changed with drying. The hardness were significantly reduced and the adhesiveness were improved (P<0.05). Hot-air drying at 60 ℃(18 h) was better than those at 50 ℃(27 h), 70 ℃(12 h) and natural drying (35 d). The cluster analysis could be used to distinguish the texture quality of Chinese jujube with different drying conditions. It also provides a theoretical reference to distinguish the quality level of dried Chinese jujube.
财政部“以大学为依托的农业科技推广体系建设项目”(XTG 2013-02)