通过调查全国17个城市中,七大类食品的小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌(Yesinia enterocolitica)污染情况,了解其分布规律与遗传多样性,从而为我国食品中Y. enterocolitica污染的溯源和控制供相应的数据支持。本研究采用了稍作修改的《食品微生物学检验-小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌检验(GB/T 4789.8-2008)》和GB/T4789.8-2003两种方法对食品中Y. enterocolitica进行检测,同时运用ERIC-PCR技术对分离菌株进行分型研究。研究显示在946份食品样品中检出共50份Y. enterocolitica阳性样品,总污染率为5.29%。在检出的阳性样品中包括肉与肉制品24份、速冻食品25份和食用菌1份,污染率分别为12.06%、16.89%和0.74%,速冻食品和肉与肉制品是目前我国Y. enterocolitica污染的主要食品类型。采用GB/T4789.8-2008检出阳性样品25份,检出率为2.64%;采用GB/T4789.8-2003检出34份,检出率为3.59%明显高于GB/T4789.8-2008法。ERIC-PCR指纹图谱进行聚类分析,结果显示72个分离株可分为四簇,主要污染基因型在C簇,初步建立了Y. enterocolitica的ERIC-PCR指纹图谱数据库。
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The contamination of Yesinia enterocolitica in seven kinds of food from 17 cities across the country was investigated for Y. enterocolitica distribution and genotypic diversity analysis. The microbiological examination of food hygiene--examination of Y. enterocolitica (GB/T4789.8-2008) and GB/T4789.8-2003 were slightly modified and used as the Y. enterocolitica detection methods. The ERIC?PCR fingerprinting of Y. enterocolitica was carried to typing. Fifty positive samples of Y. enterocolitica were detected from 946 food samples, and the total Y. enterocolitica contamination rate was 5.29%. Among the 50 positive samples, the raw meat, frozen food and edible fungi were 24 (12.06%), 25 (16.89%) and 1 (0.74%) respectively. The positive samples detected by GB/T4789.8-2003 method were 34 (3.59%) while were 25 (2.64%) by GB/T4789.8-2008. Cluster analysis showed that 72 Y. enterocolitica strains from 50 samples were divided into four groups and the type C was the main genotype, which initially established the Y. enterocolitica ERIC-PCR fingerprinting database .