比较了水蒸气蒸馏(HDSE)、同时蒸馏萃取(SDE)、溶剂浸提(SE)、超声辅助提取(UAE)、微波辅助提取(MAE)和超声-微波协同萃取(UMAE)作为预处理方法提取艾纳香叶中左旋龙脑、异龙脑和樟脑的效率,并联合气相色谱(GC)对三种化合物进行测定,通过方法学验证评价各方法的准确性和精密性。结果显示,UMAE是最快速的预处理方法,处理时间仅30 s。方法学验证显示六种预处理方法联合GC测定的精密性都满足要求,RSD小于3%。仅测定左旋龙脑时,六种预处理方法联合GC的准确性都达标(回收率86%~100%);若同时测定三种化合物时,仅HDSE-GC符合规定(回收率100%~105%)。利用HDSE-GC和UMAE-GC测定采收期内艾纳香叶,发现10月中旬至次年1月中旬的艾纳香叶中左旋龙脑含量较高,适合作为左旋龙脑的生产原料。为快速分析艾纳香叶的左旋龙脑含量及选择最适采收期提供可靠准确的数据支撑。
[Key word]
The efficiencies of hydrodistillation-solvent extraction (HDSE), simultaneous distillation and extraction (SDE), solvent extraction (SE), ultrasonic assisted extraction (UAE), microwave assisted extraction (MAE), and simultaneous ultrasonic-microwave assisted extraction (UMAE) in the extraction of L-borneol, isoborneol, and camphor from leaves of Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC. were compared. Three compounds in leaves were determined by GC with six pretreatments, respectively. UMAE was the most rapid pretreatment method (extraction time 30 s). The precisions of six pretreatments all met the standard, with RSDs of less than 3%. GC combined with six pretreating was accurate in the determination of L-borneol (recoveries 86%~100%). However, HDSE-GC was the only method for detecting all three compounds (recoveries 100%~105%). The leaves of B. balsamifera from harvest period were determined by HDSE-GC and UMAE-GC, and it was found that L-borneol contents in leaves harvested from mid-October to next mid-January were high, suitable for raw material in L-borneol production. The study provides an accurate and reliable pretreatment method for the rapid analysis of L-borneol in B. balsamifera leaves and the best harvest period of leaves.
国家科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目(11C26215205838);贵州省科技型中小企业技术创新基金项目(黔科合字[2011]5002 号)