为了探讨山竹果酒发酵过程中活性物质变化和成品香气贡献,以山竹全果为原料发酵酿制山竹果酒,考察果酒(果肉和果壳)发酵过程中活性成分含量和多酚组成变化,并对成品果酒挥发性香气成分进行了分析。结果表明:黄酮和多酚含量在主发酵期都呈上升趋势,主发酵和后发酵7~9 d交替时含量下降,在发酵后期果肉果酒中的黄酮含量稳定在3.6~4.0 μg/mL之间,多酚含量稳定在30.03 μg/mL左右。总糖含量在整个发酵过程中呈现下降趋势。液相色谱表明两种果酒在发酵末期多酚物质组成有差异。香气成分表明果壳果肉果酒中酯类物质/醇类物质/羧酸类物质相对含量分别为42.32%、57.32%、0.37%,果肉果酒中酯类物质/醇类物质/羧酸类物/相对含量分别为30.13%、69.63%、0.17%,两种果酒有不同的香气贡献物质。
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In order to discuss the active ingredients of mangosteen wine during fermentation process and aroma contribution in the final product, Garcinia Mangostana was used as raw material to produce fruit wine. The changes of active ingredients such as flavonoids, polyphenols and polysaccharides were studied during the fermentation process, and aroma volatile components of two kinds of finished wine (fruit wine with shell and flesh only) were also analyzed. The results showed that the content of flavonoid and polyphenol increased in the main fermentation stage and then slowed down and remained steady in later fermentation, while the total sugar content decreased during the whole fermentation process. The flavonoid content of the flesh wine was attained stable between 3.6 and 4.0 μg/mL, and polyphenol content was about 30.03μg/mL in the end fermentation. Liquid chromatography showed that polyphenols of two kinds of wine had significant difference in the fermentation stage. The aroma composition analysis showed the relative content of esters, alcohols and carboxylic acids were 42.32%, 57.32% and 0.37%, respectively, in fruit wine with shell, and 30.13%, 69.63% and 0.17% in flesh wine, respectively. Different aroma substances contributed to the aroma of the two kinds of fruit wine.