本文以牛肉为研究对象,以冰温技术结合O2/CO2气调包装技术对其进行贮藏保鲜试验,并对贮藏过程中牛肉的菌落总数、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)含量、色差值(L*值、a*)以及汁液流失率进行定期测定,同时从色泽和气味方面做以感官评价。结果表明:50%O2+50%CO2组和30%O2+70%CO2组在货架期上要高于对照组和80%O2+20%CO2组至少4 d;但是各组的TVB-N值之间无显著性差异;高浓度的氧气使得汁液流失率增大,不利于牛肉水分的保持;同时,高浓度的O2使牛肉在贮藏早期有很好的颜色,但是贮藏后期在色泽上劣变较快,并加速了牛肉的腐败变质,从而加速了不良气味的产生。高浓度的CO2不利于良好色泽的保持,但是能够很好地控制牛肉的腐败。综合几种冰温结合气调的保鲜技术来看,50%O2结合50%CO2组对牛肉有更好地贮藏保鲜效果。
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Beef was stored in freezing point temperature combining with modified atmosphere package. The characters including total counts, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), color difference (L* value and a* value), drip loss and sensory evaluation (red color and off-odor) were analyzed regularly during storage. The results indicated that shelf life of the 50% O2+50% CO2 group and the 30% O2+70% CO2 group were at least 4 days longer than the control group and 80% O2+20% CO2 group. There was no difference between TVB-N values in different groups. High concentration oxygen increased drip loss during storage; it kept good color in the initial period, but became worse in later period; meanwhile, it accelerated the spoilage of beef and the appearance of off-odor. High concentration carbon dioxide deteriorated color but delayed beef spoilage. In summary, the combination of super chilling technique and 50% O2+50% CO2 package was useful for beef storage.