甘油一酯(monoacylglycerol, MAG)和甘油二酯(diacylglycerol, DAG)广泛应用于食品、化妆品、化学合成等领域,它们的制备一直备受关注。醇解反应由于原料来源简单,是目前工业制备MAG和DAG的主要路径之一。本文综述了醇解反应制备MAG和DAG的研究现状,对比了化学法和生物酶法制备MAG和DAG的优缺点。其中生物酶法制备MAG和DAG通常在较低的温度下(60 ℃左右)进行,此时醇解反应物甘油和甘油三酯的互溶性较差、反应难以进行,引入合适反应介质于醇解反应体系可极大提高反应速率;此外更为重要的是,反应介质对反应产物选择性的也有很大的影响,某些反应介质和打破反应平衡组成,使反应向有利于目标产物生成的方向进行。目前,离子液体对醇解反应的反应进程及产物选择性均呈现了可观的前景。
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Monoacylglycerol (MAG) and diacylglycerol (DAG) were widely used in food, pharmaceutical and organic synthesis industries. Their preparation has been therefore paid much attention. Glycerolysis of triacylglycerol (TAG) is the primary reaction route for MAG and DAG preparation due to the easy access of TAG and glycerol. In this paper, production of MAG and DAG through glycerolysis of TAG was reviewed; merits and drawbacks of chemical glycerolysis and enzymatic glycerolysis were compared. Enzymatic glycerolysis of TAG was generally carried out at about 60 ℃ in which TAG and glycerol were immiscible, leading to the difficult proceed of the reaction. Suitable reaction medium could greatly enhance the reaction speed, and some reaction mediums also played a great role in the selectivity of the target product. Presently, ion liquid had proved potentially for glycerolysis of TAG, in terms of reaction progress and reaction selectivity.