研究了两种复配保鲜剂处理对双孢菇冷藏保鲜效果的影响。采后双孢菇分别用生姜复配保鲜剂、大蒜复配保鲜剂浸泡3 min,以蒸馏水浸泡作为对照,晾干后用聚乙烯薄膜密封包装,于4 ℃下贮藏,定期测定双孢菇感官质量、生理指标和营养指标的变化。结果表明:在4 ℃贮藏18 d,生姜和大蒜两种复配保鲜剂处理的双孢菇的失重率与对照组相比下降了51.34%和33.27%,褐变度下降了10.15%和15.73%。;可溶性固形物、可溶性蛋白保留量分别达4.69%、4.56%和755.40 μg/g、798.31 μg/g,显著高于对照组(P<0.01);纤维素和亚硝酸盐含量分别为35.67 mg/g、33.76 mg/g和3.45 mg/kg、3.65 mg/kg,显著低于对照组(P<0.01);总酸度和PPO活性始终维持在较低水平。因此,两种复配保鲜剂显著保侍了双孢菇在贮藏过程中的感观品质和营养成分,维持了较低的酸度水平和氧化酶活性,延长了双孢菇的保质期。
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Effects of two compound preservatives on the preservation quality of Agaricus bisporus during refrigeration storage were investigated. The harvested Agaricus bisporus were seperately immerged in ginger compound preservative, garlic compound preservative and distilled water (control) for 3 min, then packaged with polyethylene film after drying and stored at 4 ℃. The sensory, physiological indices and nutrition quality of Agaricus bisporus were evaluated periodically. After a 18-day storage at 4 ℃, weight loss rate of Agaricus bisporus treated with ginger compound preservative and garlic compound preservative were decreased by 51.34% and 33.27%, respectively, which the browning degree of the samples were decreased by 10.15% and 15.73%, respectively, compared with control group. Their soluble solids contents (4.69%, 4.56%) and soluble protein contents (755.40 μg/g, 798.31 μg/g) were significantly higher than those in control group(P?0.01). After treated by ginger compound preservative and garlic compound preservative, the contents of cellulose of Agaricus bisporus were 35.67mg/g and 33.76 mg/g, respectively, and their nitrite contents were of 3.45 mg/kg and 3.65 mg/kg respectively, both of which were significantly lower than those of control group (P?0.01). In addition, total acidity and PPO activity of the samples remained at lower level. Therefore, the two compound preservatives greatly improved the preservation quality, prolonged storage life of Agaricus bisporus.