为掌握温度和包装对荔枝货架期的影响,本试验以“淮枝”荔枝为试验材料,以裸露的荔枝和由开孔袋包装的荔枝,分别处于常温货架和低温货架,研究不同因素对荔枝质量损失率、褐变指数、好果率、色差、可溶性固形物含量和可滴定酸含量的影响。试验表明:低温货架和包装都能延长荔枝货架期,各品质指标整体衰变速度从快到慢依次为:常温裸露、常温包装、低温裸露、低温包装。对荔枝货架期影响因素中,温度占主要影响作用,低温货架有效的降低了荔枝各指标的变质速度;开孔聚乙烯薄膜包装也能降低荔枝品质的衰变,该影响小于货架温度的影响。常温货架无包装的荔枝好果率在30 h变为0,低温包装荔枝的好果率在60 h仍保有9.20%。与常温货架荔枝裸露的销售方式对比,采用低温货架并由开孔聚乙烯薄膜包装可以使荔枝货架期延长一倍以上。该文为荔枝货架期保鲜研究提供了参考。
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To investigate the impact of temperature and packaging on the shelf-life of litchi, effects of different parameters on quality loss rate, browning index, marketable fruit rate, chromatic aberration, total soluble solid (TSS) content and titratable acid (TA) content of. exposed and perforated bags packed litchi of “Huizhi” at room temperature shelf and low temperature shelf were studied. The results showed that both low temperature shelf and packaging can extend litchi’s shelf life. The quality indicators of decay speed from fast to slow was as follows: exposed litchi at room temperature, packaged litchi at room temperature, exposed litchi at low temperature, packaged litchi at low temperature. Temperature showed the highest effect on litchi’s shelf life and low-temperature shelf efficiently reduced the deterioration rate of litchi. Perforated polyethylene film packaging could also reduce the decay of litchi quality, but the influence was lower than that of shelf temperature. Litchi’s marketable fruit rate on shelf at room temperature without packaging decreased to 0 after 30 hours while that at low temperature and packaging remained 9.20% after 60 hours. Compared with exposed room temperature shelf, low-temperature shelf and perforated polyethylene film packaging could extend litchi shelf life more than double. The results of this research provided reference for increase of the litchi shelf life during strorage.