研究了超临界CO2萃取陈皮挥发油的工艺条件并对其化学成分进行了GC-MS分析。通过单因素试验,分别考察了萃取温度、萃取压力、萃取时间及原料颗粒度4个因素对陈皮挥发油萃取率的影响。在此基础上进行L9(34)正交试验,通过方差分析确定了萃取压力和萃取时间为陈皮挥发油萃取率的极显著影响因素,萃取温度为显著影响因素,并最终优化得到陈皮挥发油萃取的最优工艺条件为:萃取温度35 ℃,萃取压力16 MPa,萃取时间120 min,原料颗粒度为粉碎陈皮过30目筛,在此条件下,陈皮挥发油萃取率为3.96 %。所得陈皮挥发油中多甲氧基黄酮含量为33.6 %。经GC-MS分析,此陈皮挥发油中,含量最高的三种化学成分为9, 12-十八烷二烯酸甲酯(31.90%),反-9-十八碳烯酸甲酯(24.52 %)及亚麻酸甲酯(17.43%)。
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Process conditions of extracting volatile oil from tangerine peel were studied by supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2), and chemical constituents of the oil were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometer (GC–MS). The effects of extraction temperature, pressure, time, and particle size of tangerine peel on extraction yield of volatile oil from tangerine peel were investigated by single factor experiments. Based on the results of the single factor experiments, orthogonal test of extracting the oil was carried out. Extraction pressure and extraction time as highly significant influencing factors, and extraction temperature as significant influencing factor on extraction yield of the oil were confirmed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). In addition, the optimal conditions were determined by orthogonal test as follows: extraction temperature 35 ℃, extraction pressure 16 MPa, extraction time 120 min, and particle size of tangerine peel 30 mesh. Under the above conditions, extraction yield of volatile oil from tangerine peel was 3.96 % and polymethoxyflavones content of the oil was 33.6 %. GC–MS analysis revealed that the main three constituents of the oil were 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid (Z,Z)-methyl ester (31.90 %), 9-Octadecenoic acid-methyl ester(E) (24.52 %), and 9,12,15-Octadecatrienoic acid-methyl ester (17.53 %).