为了研究电流体动力学干燥技术中的物料厚度和横截面积对干燥特性的影响,以及建立比较适合的数学模型。分别以不同厚度和横截面积的熟牛肉为对象在温度为20 ℃~25 ℃,相对湿度为30±5%,周围风速为0 m/s的自然环境中进行电流体动力学干燥和对比试验;用Newton、Page、Modified Page、Henderson and Pabis、Logarithmic、Quadratic、Demir et al、Midilli et al等8种常用的薄层物料干燥的数学模型和均方根误差,约化卡方值,建模效率等3个统计参数对干燥数据进行了模拟和比较。结果表明,熟牛肉的厚度对干燥速度和干燥时间影响较大,熟牛肉的横截面积对干燥速度和干燥时间的影响较小;发现Logarithmic模型比较适合薄层熟牛肉的电流体动力学干燥。这将为优化电流体动力学干燥的工艺和提高干燥效率提供一些线索和实践指导。
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The effect of thickness and cross-sectional area of material on drying characteristics was studied and a mathematical model was developed to describe the thin layer electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying. The drying experiment of cooked beef was investigated with the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying technique in ambient (ambient temperature 20~25 ℃, ambient relative humidity 30±5% and wind speed 0 m/s). The cooked beef was put into high-voltage electric field with the different thickness or cross-sectional area. Eight different mathematical drying models were compared based on root mean square error, reduced chi-square and modeling efficiency to estimate drying curves. The results showed that the thickness of cooked beef had high impact on the drying rate and time and the cross-sectional area of cooked beef had smaller effect on the drying rate and time. The Logarithmic model could sufficiently describe thin electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying of cooked beef. This work would provide some clues and practices guidance for optimizing the drying technology and improving the drying efficiency of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying.