本实验以苦豆子半乳甘露聚糖为成膜基质,添加适量的CaCl2和柠檬酸为增塑剂,以甘油为成膜助剂,制备可食性复合膜。研究了常温(温度25~28 ℃,相对湿度68~75%)下该复合涂膜保鲜剂对樱桃品质及其生理生化变化的影响。结果表明:常温下苦豆子半乳甘露聚糖复合涂膜保鲜剂涂膜保鲜的樱桃与对照组相比,果实裂果率、霉烂率、失重率明显降低,抑制了果实的呼吸率,有机酸、Vc等营养成分转化、流失的速度减慢,有效的降低MDA、花青素含量和相对电导率的升高,使PPO和POD酶活性处于较低的水平,延缓了果实的衰老,从而延长了其货架期。
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In this study, the preservation effects of a compound coating of polysaccharide on Prunus avium L. at room temperature (25~28 ℃) and relative humidity (68~75%) were investigated. The antistaling agent was made using Sophoraalopecuroides bean galactomannan as the coating matrix. CaCl2 and citric acid were used as film-forming additives and glycerin was added to improve the film flexibility. The results showed that the use of the compound coating obviously lowered the rotten rate, cracking fruit rate and weightloss rates of Prunus avium L. preserved, inhibited the respiration rate and the loss of total Vc and organic acids and other nutrients. The contents of MDA and anthocyanin, as well as the relative conductivity, were effectively increased, thus resulting in lower PPO and POD enzyme activities. Use of the compound coating of Sophoraalopecuroides bean galactomannan may delay the senescence process during storage and extending the shelf life.