将西藏开菲尔发酵物FXJX按照一定添加量分别加入到牛奶和馒头中,在不同时间测定它们的微生物指标和理化指标,并对感官情况进行评定。同时以乳酸,乳酸链球菌素和丙酸钙作为阳性对照组。结果表明:添加了FXJX后的牛奶和馒头,在储藏过程中微生物的数量比其它阳性对照组的要少,大肠杆菌数呈阴性;在牛奶中的酸度到第10 d才超出国家标准要求;还有对牛奶和馒头的感官起到更好的保护和延缓恶化的作用,这些都表明FXJX对这两种食品有很好的防腐效果。
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According to a certain addition amount, the Kefir fermented extracts (FXJX) was added to milk and steamed bread. The microbial indicators, physicochemical indexes and sensory quality of the treated foods were determined at different time. Meanwhile, lactic acid, nisin and calcium propionate were added as positive control. The results showed that in the milks tested and steamed breads added with FXJX, the number of micro-organisms was less than that in other positive controls. The number of E. coli was negative and the acidity of those milk did not exceed the national standard requirements until 10 d. FXJX also had better protection and deterioration-slowing effects on the sensory quality of milk and steamed bread during storage.