以全麦面粉为主要原料,抹茶粉为辅料,加入糖、油脂及其他配料,经调粉、成型和烘烤等工艺制成抹茶味全麦饼干。以感官评定结果为参考指标,通过单因素与正交试验,确定了最佳配方:全麦面粉125 g,大豆油20 g,食盐0.5 g,白砂糖40 g中,加入抹茶粉3 g,小苏打1.45 g,水55 g,所烤制的饼干具有良好的风味。
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Using graham flour as main raw material and superfine powder as the auxiliary materials, a new matcha graham crackers was developed via adjustable powder, molding and baking. Through sensory evaluation and single factor experiment, the best formula was determined as: 125 g of whole wheat flour, 20 g of soybean oil, 0.5 g of salt, 40 g of sugar, 3g of matcha powder, 1.45 g of soda and 55 g of water, under which the product showed the best sensory quality.