采用CO2超临界萃取深层发酵灵芝真菌菌丝体中麦角固醇的含量,在单因素实验基础上,L9(34)正交实验优化萃取条件,结果表明,萃取压力、萃取温度的作用效果显著,CO2流量影响不显著,三因素的适宜组合为:A2B3C3即:萃取压力20 MPa、萃取温度50 ℃、CO2流量2.5 L/min,试验验证此组合条件下麦角固醇的萃取量为1.1362 mg/g,高于正交试验组合。
[Key word]
Supercritical fluid extraction conditions of ergosterol from Ganoderma lucidum after fermentation were optimization by orthogonal test on the basis of single factor experiment. The results showed that the extraction pressure and temperature were significant factors and the optimization conditions were as follows: extraction pressure20 MPa, extraction temperature 50 ℃, and CO2 flow rate 2.5 L/min, under which the content of ergosterol reached 1.1362 mg/g.