为探讨微真空贮藏条件下不同浓度6-苄基腺嘌呤(6-BA)和0.2%苯甲酸钠(SBN)复合保鲜剂对西兰花采后衰老的影响,以西兰花为试材,贮藏于温度为3±0.5 ℃、真空压力为400~500 torr的微真空贮藏条件下,通过对西兰花贮藏期间叶绿素、Vc及丙二醛含量(MDA)与PPO、POD活性的测定,探讨较佳的复合保鲜剂浓度。结果表明:3种浓度的复合保鲜剂均可不同程度地抑制西兰花叶绿素、Vc的降解,减少膜脂过氧化产物MDA的积累,降低PPO、POD活性,其中40 mg/L 6-BA+0.2% SBN处理对调控西兰花采后衰老的效果最佳。
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In order to explore the effects of compound preservatives of 6-BA and 0.2% SBN on senescence of postharvest broccoli in micro-vacuum conditions, freshly broccoli was stored at temperature of 3±0.5 ℃ with pressure of 400~500 torr. The contents of chlorophyll, Vc and MDA and the activities of PPO and POD were determined to explore better composite preservative concentration. The results showed that three concentrations can inhibit the degradation of chlorophyll and Vc, reduce the accumulation of membrane lipid peroxidation product MDA, lower the activities of PPO and POD in varying degrees. 40 mg/L 6-BA and 0.2% SBN showed the best effect on inhibition of broccoli postharvest senescence.