本文以冻山楂为主要原料,研究不同浸提方式、磨浆次数、均质压力对冻山楂果汁沉淀率、pH、可溶性固形物、悬浮稳定性的影响,探索适合产业化的冻山楂果汁生产工艺。结果表明:不同浸提方式对冻山楂果汁均有一定的影响,温度为100 ℃、压力为0.01 MPa、加入冻山楂果汁总量8%的白砂糖、加热15 min的浸提方式效果最好;磨浆2次,均质1次、均质压力为15 MPa、均质温度为60 ℃的工艺更适合冻山楂果汁饮料的制取。
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Using frozen hawthorn as main raw material, the effects of extraction methods, grinding times and homogeneous pressures on sedimentation rate, pH, soluble solids and suspension stability were studied. The results showed that extraction methods significantly influenced the quality of the juice prepared with frozen hawthorn. The best quality of the juice was obtained when the frozen hawthorn juice was treated with 8% white granulated sugar at 100 ℃ for 15 min. The most suitable processing conditions for production of frozen hawthorn juice were: grindings twice, homogenization once, homogenization pressure 15 MPa and homogenization temperature 60 ℃.