本实验采用大孔树脂对覆盆子黄酮进行分离纯化,确定其分离纯化条件,树脂的筛选实验结果和静态吸附动态学研究表明:所选的7种大孔树脂,AB-8树脂属于快速吸附树脂,吸附率和解吸率都很高,是理想用于覆盆子黄酮分离纯化的树脂,AB-8树脂动态吸附、解吸实验表明:当上样流速0.2 mL/min,上样浓度1.2 mg/mL,pH=4.5,用2.0 mL/min 70%的乙醇做解吸剂进行解吸时,覆盆子黄酮纯度可达到40.32%,纯度提高7.16倍。
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Raspberry flavonoids were isolated and purified by macro-porous resin in this article. The results showed that AB-8 resin can rapidly adsorbe lavonoids with higher adsorption and desorption rates than other macro-porous resin. Therefore, AB-8 resin was chosen as the best resion to isolate and purify raspberry flavonoids. Dynamic adsorption and desorption experiments showed that, when the sample flow rate, sample concentration, pH, desorption regent, desoption regent concentration and elution rate were 0.2 mL/min, 1.2 mg/mL, 4.5, ethanol, 70% and 2.0 mL/min, respectively, the raspberry flavonoids purity can reach 40.32%.