本文以食用品质较差的稻谷加工业副产物碎米为原料,采用考马斯亮蓝染色测定水溶性蛋白法将经过预设液固比、pH调整、微波场处理和离心工艺提取的可溶性蛋白含量进行测定,研究了料液pH值、微波时间、微波功率和固液比对碎米中蛋白提取率的影响,结果表明:碱性条件下微波提取碎米中蛋白的最优条件为:pH为10、提取时间为120 s、微波功率为390 W、固液比1:10,该条件下碎米蛋白提取率可达71.2%。
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The effects of pH, microwave time, microwave power, solid/liquid ratio (m/V) on the extraction rate of protein from cereal industry by-product broken rice were investigated with coomassie brilliant blue stain protein method. Results showed that the optimal parameters with microwave treatment were as follows: pH 10.0,extracting for120 s at 390 W power by microwave and solid to liquid ratio of 1:10, under which the protein extraction rate was 71.2%.