本文介绍了流通环境与葡萄品质的关系,测量在不同温湿度及运输条件下,葡萄品质的变化规律,包括重量损失率、含糖量变化、硬度变化、维生素C含量变化等。实验得出温度是影响葡萄品质的重要因素,0 ℃条件下,储存10 d,葡萄重量损失率为3.85%、硬度损失率为6.67%,而后品质变化趋于稳定;20 ℃条件下,储存6 d重量损失率为5.03%、硬度损失率为32.17%,而后品质急剧下降,储存9 d时,葡萄严重腐烂。可以得出,冷藏可以大大降低葡萄的呼吸速率,降低新陈代谢速度,低温高湿条件是适合葡萄储藏的条件。运输过程中的振动是引起葡萄损伤的主要原因之一,堆码条件下上层葡萄受到的损害大于下层。因此,为了减小葡萄在贮运过程中受到的损伤,需要对其进行适当的包装保护以保证运输安全。本文为了解葡萄的损伤机理和设计减损包装提供参考依据。
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This paper describes the relationship between the circulation environment and grape quality to understand the changes of grape quality under different temperature and humidity and transport condition. The measurement parameters include weight loss rate, sugar content, hardness and Vitamin C content and so on. The experiments showed that the temperature had important effects on grape quality, the weight loss rate of the grapes was 3.85 percent and the hardness loss rate was 6.67 percent to storage for ten days at zero degrees centigrade, and then the changes of grape quality tended to be stable. However the weight loss rate was 5.03 percent and the hardness loss rate was 32.17 percent to storage for only six days at twenty degrees centigrade, after that the grape quality was sharply reduced, and the grapes had been rotten. It can be conclude that low temperature can greatly reduce the grape respiratory rate and metabolic rate, and low temperature and high humidity was suitable for grapes to storage. The vibration was one of the main causes of grape damage during transport, the grapes on higher layers get more damage than below layers. In order to prevent the grape damage in the process of transport and storage, the appropriate derogation packaging was necessary, which can reduce the damage and ensure the safety of the grape. This paper provided the reference for understanding the damage mechanism of grape and designing derogation packaging.