分别研究了鸡对两种黑麦HH91和Pluto的消化性。实验结果表明:饲喂分别添加两种黑麦日粮实验鸡的日增重有减少的趋势,增重变化率和对照组比较分别是27.41%(15% HH91)、28.96%(30% HH91)、34.75%(45% HH91)、20.85%(15% Pluto)、28.19%(30% Pluto)和42.09%(45% Pluto)。而添加了黑麦的日粮干物质、有机物、粗蛋白、粗灰分、无氮浸出物、总能的表观消化率与正常对照组相比没有明显的差异(p>0.05),但粗脂肪和粗纤维的表观消化率有明显减少的趋势(p<0.05)。其次,在两种黑麦添加量低于30%时,除粗纤维的表观消化率之外,其余营养成分的表观消化率与正常对照组几乎没有差别(p>0.05)。
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The digestion and metabolism experiment was carried out on the basis of HH91 and Pluto rye in chicken. The results showed that average weight gain of chickens had a decreasing tendency compared with the control. The detected average weight gain (the control) were 27.41% (15% HH91), 28.96% (30% HH91), 34.75% (45% HH91), 20.85% (15% Pluto), 28.19% (30% Pluto) and 42.09% (45% Pluto), respectively. There was no difference (p>0.05) in the apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic material, crude protein, nitrogen-free extract, and gross energy between the control and the other groups administrated with rye. But the apparent digestibility of crude fat and crude fiber had a decreasing tendency (P<0.05). No significant differences were found in other aspects except crude fat (p<0.05) and crude fiber (p<0.01). When the addition of rye was less than 30%, all the apparent digestibility of the nutrients had almost no difference with the control group except that of the crude fiber.