本文主要研究利用微波加工五香花生米的工艺技术。通过二因素多重比较实验探索了最佳焙烤时间。以浸泡时间、盐水浓度、料液比为影响因素做正交实验,确定了最佳风味配方。结果表明:微波焙烤花生米的最佳工艺条件为:初焙烤2 min、复焙烤2 min、盐水浓度15%、浸泡时间2 h、料液浓度30%。
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The processing technololgy of microwave roast spiced peanuts was researched in this paper. The optimal processing conditions were determined by orthogonal test as follows: preliminary roast time 2 min, secondary roast time 2 min, salt concentration 15%, soaking time 2 h and material content 30%.