本试验首先比较了微波真空干燥、真空冷冻干燥以及热风干燥对香蕉皮干燥后褐变程度的影响。其次,以微波真空干燥得到的香蕉皮为原料,采用正交试验对香蕉皮总酚的提取工艺进行研究,确定了超声波辅助提取香蕉皮中总酚的最佳工艺条件。结果表明:微波真空干燥和真空冷冻干燥的香蕉皮褐变程度远低于热风干燥。香蕉皮中总酚的最佳提取工艺条件为:料液比1:20 (g/mL)、60%的乙醇溶液、70 ℃条件下超声波(固定功率120 W)作用40 min,总多酚提取率最高,香蕉皮总酚的提取量达36.95 mg/g (干基)。
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Effect of drying methods (including microwave vacuum drying, frozen drying and hot wind drying) on the browning of banana peels were studied. Then the ultrasonic-assisted extraction of total polyphenols from banana peels dried through microwave vacuum drying was optimized by orthogonal array design method. The highest extraction efficiency of total polyphenols from banana peels, 36.95 mg/g, was obtained after a single extraction using 60% ethanol at 70 ℃ with a solid-to-liquid ratio of 1:20 (g/mL). And the ultrasonic conditions were ultrasonic treatment time 40 min and a power level of 120 W.