以罗非鱼为研究对象,以氨基酸态氮、盐卤中的蛋白质和氯化钠含量为指标,在单因素实验基础上,腌制时间、温度、浓度为自变量,感官评定为响应值,利用Box-Behnken中心组合设计原理和响应面分析方法,研究不同腌制条件(时间、温度、浓度)对罗非鱼鱼肉及盐卤中成分的影响,并建立感官评定结果与指标间的数学模型,以此优化干腌工艺条件。研究结果表明:腌制时间对鱼肉中氯化钠含量、鱼肉中氨基肽氮含量和盐卤中蛋白质含量有影响显著(p<0.05,鱼肉中的氯化钠含量与腌制盐度呈正相关,盐卤中的蛋白质含随着腌制盐度增加而增加。采用响应面分析法建立感官评定与腌制条件的数学模型,曲面方程拟合性好。盐水浓度对感官评定结果影响极显著(p<0.0001),腌制时间对其影响较显著(p=0.0421),腌制温度对其影响不显著(p=0.4621)。通过响应面交互作用分析与优化,最佳腌制条件为腌制时间为4.28 h,腌制温度9.64 ℃,腌制盐度为1.64%,按照最佳工艺加工所得罗非鱼的感官评分最优,且感官评分值与模型预测值基本相符。
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Curing tilapia was used as the research objective and the content of salt in fish , amino nitrogen in fish and the content of protein in brine were adopted as the investigating indicators .Three curing parameters including curing time, dry-salting temperature and curing concentration were optimized using central composite design and response surface methodology based on single factor investigations for achieving maximum the sensory evaluation value .The influence of curing condition on the content of salt in fish ,amino nitrogen in fish ,the content in brine and the quality of products were studied ,the simulated quadratic polynomial regression equation of prediction model was set up between the results of sensory evaluation and determined indicators in different dry-salting factors .The results showed that the dry-salting time significantly affects the contents of salt and amino nitrogen in fish as well as the content in brine, while the effect of dry-salting concentration on amino nitrogen in fish is not significantly. The model set up by response surface method showed that regression equation fit well with experimental data and the content of sodium chloride greatly affects the sensory evaluation, followed by dry-salting time and dry-salting temperature. When the dry-salting time, dry-salting temperature and sodium chloride content were 4.28h, 9.64 ℃ and 1.64%, respectively, tiptia showed the best sensory quality. The results were basically corresponding to model prediction.