本文以海南山竹为材料,研究了贮藏温度(4 ℃,30 ℃)对山竹果皮硬化效应及抑菌活性影响。结果表明:随着贮藏期的延长, 山竹果壳硬化效应指标木质素含量和粗纤维含量均呈上升趋势。贮藏末期,常温处理的木质素含量比低温处理的木质素含量增加14.3%。木质化底物总酚含量呈先升后降趋势,在第6 d达到峰值,为33.03 mg GAE/g FW,抑菌活性表明,在贮藏期间,山竹果皮抑菌活性因受木质化产物和多酚转化产物的影响有不同的变化趋势,低温有助于抑菌活性稳态化。
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In the paper, Hainan mangosteen was used as materials to study the effect of different storage temperature on hardening characteristic and antibacterial activities of mangosteen pericarp. The results showed that, lignin content and the crude fiber content of lignin deposition indicators of mangosteen shell all shows ascendant trend followed as the storage period extending. At the end of the storage, lignin content of mangosteen pericarp under room temperature treatment was increased 14.3% than that of low-temperature treatment. Total phenolic content of lignified substrate showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, and reached the max peak (33.03 mgGAE/g FW ) in a 6-day storage. Antibacterial capacity had different trend based on different products of lignification and polyphenol conversion products during the whole storage. Low temperature contributed to the stable of bacteriostatic activity.