采用正交实验研究了物料与水的比例、添加糖的量和加热时间等因素对返砂乌梅果脯回糖后的影响,通过对回糖后的果脯感官评价来确定回糖的最佳参数。结果表明返砂的乌梅果脯在料液比1:6,30%的糖浆中沸水浴60 min,返砂问题得以有效解决。
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Using orthogonal experiment, the effects of the proportion of water, material and the amount of added sugar and heating time on the re-cooked preserved fruit were determined, The best sugar-crystal prevention processing parameters were determined by sensory evaluation as: the material to water tatio 1:8, the syrup concentration 25%, boiling water bath treatment time 60 minutes.