通过固体发酵培养基单因素研究,确定了三个影响单宁酶产率的关键因素,对氮源用量、五倍子用量、培养温度采用响应面法的中心旋转实验设计原理,进行三因素三水平的响应面分析,以获得最佳产单宁酶的培养基及培养条件组成。结果表明,固体发酵黑曲霉最佳产酶条件为:五倍子含量为9%;氮源添加量为2.3%;温度为32 ℃。在此条件下进行发酵产酶重复实验,酶活力为219.4 U/mL。
[Key word]
To obtain the best producing tannase medium and culture conditions, three key factors influencing the tannase production in solid fermentation were determined by single factor experimen and then response surface methods were applied., Results showed that the optimum conditions for the solid fermentation by Aspergillus niger were: gallnut content 9%; nitrogen source 2.3% and temperature 32 ℃, under which the enzyme activity was 219.4 U/mL.