本文将脱乙酰度为96.7%的壳聚糖(COS)通过过氧化氢氧化降解制取壳寡糖,通过单因素变量的研究以及正交实验得出最优反应条件为:反应温度60 ℃,反应时间6 h,过氧化氢质量分数4.0%,乙酸质量分数4.0%,且四个因素对降解程度的影响为反应温度>过氧化氢质量分数>乙酸质量分数>反应时间。通过凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)对原料壳聚糖及最优条件下得到的降解产物的分子量分布进行检测,结果表明壳聚糖已完全降解且相对分子量达2000以下,降解产物经电喷雾质谱(ESI-MS)检测分析得聚合度为10以下,在控制降解的范围内,达到制备目的。
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Chitosan (COS) with 96.7% deacelation degree was degraded oxidatively by hydrogen peroxide in order to prepare oligochitosan with polymerization. The optimal reaction conditions were discussed by means of some single factor experiments and orthogonal experiments. COS was dissolved in 4.0% acetic acid with 4.0% hydrogen peroxide at 60 ℃ shaking for 6 hour. The distribution of COS and the degraded COS under optimal conditions were analyzed by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The results showed COS had been completely degraded with the molecular weight being below 2000. The polymerization degree of degraded COS was below 10 after been detected and analysed by electro-spray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), which was in the control range of degradation.