本研究评价了分离自传统发酵乳制品中4株L. paracasei supsp. paracasei菌株在模拟胃、肠液中的存活性,在HT-29细胞上的粘附性,对致病菌的抑制能力,以及刺激外周血单核细胞(PBMCs)增殖的能力。其中菌株Lactobacillus paracasei supsp. paracasei M5AL、J23AL在模拟胃液存活率较高,而菌株Lactobacillus paracasei supsp. paracasei G15AL、T3AL在胃液中暴露3 h即失去活性;4株菌在模拟肠液中存活率较高。菌株L. paracasei supsp. paracasei M5AL和G15AL在HT-29细胞上有较强粘附能力(>40 bacteria cells per 100 HT-29 cells),并抑制病原微生物E. coli ATCC25922、S. typhimurium ATCC 14028、S. sonnei ATCC 25931生长。4株菌活菌体刺激PBMCs增殖,具有潜在免疫调节功能。
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The four L. paracasei supsp. paracasei stains were examined in vitro in a two-stage model system comprising simulated gastric and intestinal juices., adhesion capability to HT-29 cells, antagonistic activity against enteric pathogens and immunomodulating activity. The strains L. paracasei supsp. paracasei M5AL and J23ANL were able to survive in simulated gastro juice while the strains L. paracasei supsp. paracasei G15AL and T3AL lost viability exposed to simulated gastro juice for 3 h. The four strains had high viability in simulated small intestinal juice with little loss (<1.0 cycle reduction). The strain L. paracasei supsp. paracasei M5AL and G15AL had adhesive capability to HT-29 cells in vitro (>40 bacteria cells per 100 HT-29 cells). The strains L. paracasei supsp. paracasei M5AL and G15AL could inhibit the growth of the E. coli ATCC25922, S. typhimurium ATCC 14028, S. sonnei ATCC 25931. The live bacteria of the four strains could exert proliferative effect on PBMCs.