利用傅立叶变换红外光谱法鉴别地沟油,实验结果表明,地沟油在波数1711 cm-1处有区别于食用植物油的特征吸收峰。对于掺有地沟油的调和油,本方法可以鉴别体积分数为10%的样品。由GC-MS试验推断,地沟油所测特征峰,是由羧酸类物质产生的。
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Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) was used to differentiate recycled cooking oil in this research. Results showed that, the recycling cooking oil had characteristic absorption peak at the wave number of 1711 cm-1, which was different from fresh edible vegetable oil. For the illegal cooking oil mixed with recycled cooking oil, the detection limit is 10%. GC-MS analysis showed that the characteristic peak of the recycled cooking oil samples represented carboxylic acid.