本文通过研究添加维生素E脂质体、非脂质体维生素E混合物的猪肉制品在4 ℃贮藏条件下过氧化值、酸价、TBA值变化的趋势分析,研究维生素E脂质体在肉制品中的抗氧化特性。结果表明,维生素E脂质体在猪肉制品中有较好的抗氧化性能,贮藏10 d后,与对照组相比,虽然酸价差别不大,但过氧化值约降低了18%,TBA值约降低了16%。
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Pork products samples subjected to vitamin E liposome or non-liposomal vitamin E treatment and then stored under the temperature of 4 ℃ were prepared. Through the trend analysis of the peroxide value, acid value and TBA value of the pork products samples, it were found that the liposomes vitamin E in pork products have good antioxidation effects. Storage after 10 days, compared with the control, although acid value difference is small, but peroxide value low about 18% and TBA value low about 16%.