利用响应面法对小球藻蛋白质的提取工艺进行优化。采用单因素试验和二次回归旋转组合试验确定提取条件,结果表明提取小球藻蛋白质的最佳工艺参数为液料比21:1,压力170 MPa,循环次数4。在此条件下小球藻蛋白质提取率为45.78%。
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The optimization of the extraction process of protein from Chlorella was achieved by response surface methodology. The optimization strategy used was a series of one-factor-at-a-time investigations and subsequent response surface analysis based on a quadratic regression rotary combination design. Results showed that Liquid-to-solid ratio of 21:1, pressure of 170 MPa and cycling times of 4 were found optimum for protein extraction from Chlorella. Under these optimum conditions, the yield of protein was 45.78%.