不同提取工艺油茶籽油中苯并(α)芘含量有较大差异,本文利用HPLC追踪检测不同提取工艺中各工序茶油中苯并芘的含量变化情况,结果表明:溶剂浸出法中,苯并芘主要来源于毛油在脱除溶剂过程中的两次蒸发,最高达2.54 μg/kg;压榨法中,苯并芘主要来源于原料蒸炒,最高达26.55 μg/kg。随着后续精炼工序的进行,以上两种工艺中的苯并芘含量都不断减少,其中脱色工序能够去除大部分苯并芘。亚临界萃取茶油中未检出苯并芘。本研究为茶油生产过程中降低苯并芘提供关键控制点,并为选择最佳工艺提供理论依据。
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HPLC was employed to detect benzo(α)pyrene content in Camellia oleifera oil in different step of several extraction processes. Benzo(α)pyrene came mainly from the dual evaporation of solvent in solvent extraction method and was up to 2.54 μg/kg. In the oil made by pressing method, the main source of Benzo(α)pyrene was roasting step. The highest amount was 26.55 μg/kg. The benzo(α)pyrene content decreased in the following refining process in both solvent extraction and pressing methods. Most of benzo(α)pyrene could be removed in the decolorization step. No benzo(α)pyrene was found in camellia oleifera oil extracted with hypocritical extraction method.