对不同生长阶段的200~1600 g大菱鲆氨基酸组成进行了对比分析,结果表明:不同生长阶段的大菱鲆蛋白质中,EAA/TAA 47~48%、EAA/NEAA 87~93%,其变异系数在2%左右,符合FAO/WHO公布的氨基酸理想模式(EAA/TAA在40%左右、EAA/NEAA>60%),说明大菱鲆是高品质的食用蛋白源;不同生长阶段的大菱鲆必需氨基酸组成模式各不相同,需要针对不同的生长阶段,配置相应的专用饲料。本研究可以优化大菱鲆配合饲料配方,为不同生长阶段的大菱鲆配合饲料的研究和开发提供可靠的资料支持和科学依据。
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Amino acids compositions of Scophthatmus maximus at different developing stages were analyzed. Results showed that Scophthatmus maximus were high-quality edible proteins in that their EAA/TAA 47~48% and EAA/NEAA 87~93% (CV about 2%) were fit to amino acid ideal pattern (EAA/TAA about 40%、EAA/NEAA>60%) issued by FAO/WHO. EAA composition patterns of Scophthatmus maximus varied at different developing stages, indicating that special feed should be made according to Scophthatmus maximus different developing stages. The study can optimize feed prescription of Scophthatmus maximus at different developing stages by providing reliable data support and scientific reference.