以大米,麦芽为主要原料,经粉碎、糊化、糖化、乳酸菌种发酵等一系列操作以后,加入调味剂和辅助剂,即可制备发酵米乳饮料。实验时确定了发酵米乳的最佳制作工艺:大米与水以1:10的比例蒸煮糊化,糖化时麦芽汁的加入量为原料的30%,糖化酶加入量为发酵醪液的1%;按照3:2的比例分别接种保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌到大米培养基中培养制备母发酵液,前发酵时母发酵液的接入量为1%~3%,时间为72~80 h,温度为37 ℃,后发酵时间为15~30 d,温度为4~5 ℃。经此一系列操作后可制得口感细腻、米香、麦芽香浓郁,营养健康的功能性发酵米乳饮料。
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This essay is aimed at producing rice beverage using rice and malt as main raw materials. The rice beverage can be produced with the following processing steps: mixing, elatinization, smashing, mashing, fermentation by mixed lactic acid bacteria, and addition of apple juice, sugar and CMC. The optimum ratio of rice and water 1:10 before saccharification. For saccharification, the optimum wort concentration and the saccharifying enzyme dosage were 30% of raw materials and 1% of liquid fermentation, respectively. For pro-fermentation, the best ratio of Streptococcus thermophillus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, the amount of mother fermented liquid, fermentation time and temperature were 3:2, 1%~3%, 70~80 hours and 37 ℃, respectively. For post-fermentation, the best temperature was 4~5 ℃ and the time was 15~20 days. Under the optimized conditions, the rice beverage was produced with abundant nutrition and excellent flavor.