本文以油茶籽为原料,采用新型的亚临界流体技术和分子蒸馏技术相结合的工艺,对制备高品质茶油最佳工艺条件进行研究。以出油率、色泽、苯并芘含量等为考察指标,得出亚临界流体技术的最佳萃取条件为:原料堆密度0.7 kg/L,萃取时间50 min,萃取压力0.5 MPa,温度45 ℃,萃取率可高达99.12%,与传统压榨工艺相比,提高约15%;分子蒸馏最佳精制条件为:温度160 ℃,真空度为1.0~2.0 Pa,精制油酸价降为0.22 mg/g,比传统工艺下降70.87%,苯并(?)芘含量则未检出。本研究所得工艺具有快速、环保、成本低和工艺简单的特点,制备的茶油品质达到国家一级油标准。
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Camellia seeds were chosen as raw material in this study,using the new subcritical extraction and molecular distillation to study the optimum conditions of high quality camellia oil. Using oil yield, color and benzopyrene content as the indexes, the optimum conditions of subcritical extraction were: bulk density of raw materials as 0.7 kg/L, extracting time as 50 mins, extracting pressure as 0.5 MPa and the extracting temperature as 45 ℃.The extraction efficiencies of camellia oil was up to 99.12%, with an increase of 15% than traditional method. Refining of molecular distillation conditions were determined: the temperature of 160 ℃, vacuum of 1.0~2.0 Pa, and the resulted acid value decreased by 70.87%, to 0.22 mg/g. Subcritical extraction of camellia oil benzo(?)pyrene were not detected. The studies process has fast, environmentally friendly, low cost and simple technology characteristics. The quality of the camellia seeds meets the national standards for oil.