本文通过壳聚糖对鲜切菠萝蜜进行涂膜处理,研究保质期内还原糖含量、总酸含量、水分含量的变化,分析壳聚糖涂膜对干苞和湿苞菠萝蜜的保鲜效果。结果表明:在3±1 ℃的条件下贮藏15 d,涂膜鲜切菠萝蜜的还原糖的变化速率较小,均小于未处理组。涂膜湿苞和干苞的还原糖含量分别降低了3.58%和3.81%,而未处理组还原糖含量降低了4.77%。贮藏到第6 d时,涂膜处理的湿苞和干苞含水量都达到最低值,对照组的含水量为65.96%,湿苞和干苞的含水量分别为72.60%和73.81%,总酸量分别降低了0.13%和0.15%,未处理组总酸含量降低了0.23%。壳聚糖涂膜处理能够延缓菠萝蜜的后熟,对湿苞的保鲜效果优于对干苞的保鲜效果。
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The effect of chitosan film on the preservation of fresh-cut jackfruit was studied. The change of reducing sugar content, total sugar content and water content was studied, and the effect of chitosan film on the preservation of dry and wet jackfruit was analyzed. It illustrated that the variation of reducing sugar treated jackfruit was less than that of untreated ones under the condition of storage at 3±1 ℃ for 15 days. Reducing sugar contents of wet and dry decreased by 3.58% and 3.81%, respectively, while that of uncoated group reduced by 4.77%. Water content of wet and dry jackfruit coated was lowest in the sixth day. Water content of uncoated group was 65.96%, and that of wet and dry jackfruit was respectively 72.06% and 73.81%. And total acid content of these respectively decreased by 0.13% and 0.15%. Total acid content of uncoated group was reduced by 0.23%. Chitosan coating could delay the ripening of jackfruit, and the preservation of wet jackfruit coated with chitosan was better than that of dry jackfruit.