通过木瓜蛋白酶酶解方法从沙海参中提取粗多糖,再经H2O2 脱色、乙酸钾除蛋白、柱层析等程序后得到精制的酸性粘多糖。琼脂糖凝胶电泳试验表明:该多糖为单一成分,经GPC法测定重均分子量为98748。沙海参粘多糖中硫酸基、葡萄糖醛酸、氨基半乳糖、岩藻糖含量分别为27.73%、19.04%、14.38%、10.12%。
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Crud acidic mucopolysaccharide was extracted from enzymatic hydrolyzate of Holothuria arenicola Sempe by papain and then discolored with H2O2. After removing the protein with KAc, the mucopolysaccharidefurther was further purified by column chromatography, and analyzed by agarose electrophoresis. The Mw of this mucopolysaccharide was 76,008, and the content of sulfate, glucuronic acid, galgactosamine and fucose in the mucopolysaccharide were 28.08%, 20.71%, 15.38%, and 12.48% respectively.