建立同时测定干制鱼肉中有机氯和多氯联苯的气相色谱分析方法。干制鱼肉中的有机氯和多氯联苯经快速索氏提取,经氟罗里硅土净化后用气相色谱仪测定,采用DB-1701和SPB-1双色谱柱进行定性,以灭蚁灵为内标进行定量,扣除了加标回收率的不确定分量影响。结果表明:16种有机氯和多氯联苯分离效果较好,在0.02~0.50 mg/kg范围内,其重复性变异系数为0.44%~8.73%,重现性相对标准偏差为0.15%~7.90%,最低检出限为0.03~0.1 g/kg。
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A method for determination of organochlorine compounds (OCLs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in dry fish by GC was established. OCLs and PCBs were extracted by automaticity soxhlet extraction, purified by Florsil PR solid phase extraction (SPE) and analyzed by GC-ECD using Mirex as the internal standard on DB-1701 and SPB-1 columns. The results showed that 16 kinds of OCLs and PCBs were separated by GC. Within the linear range of 0.02 mg/kg~0.50 mg/kg, the coefficient of variation for repeatability, relative standard deviation for reproducibility and the detection limit of the method were 0.44%~8.73%, 0.15%~7.90% and 0.03~0.1 g/kg, respectively.