以β-环糊精为壁材,对超声法制备花椒精油微胶囊进行了研究。通过正交实验得微胶囊最佳工艺条件为:超声功率为200 W、包埋温度为35 ℃、包埋时间为30 min、m精油:mβ-CD=1:5。在此条件下包埋,微胶囊的包埋率为80.1%,方法简单可行,是一种制备β-环糊精花椒精油微胶囊的较好方法。
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The microencapsulation of zanthoxylum essential oil was studied by ultrasonic wave using β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) as wall materials. Orthogonal design showed that the best ultrasonic power, temperature, ultrasonic time and the ratio of essential oil to β-CD were 200 W, 35 ℃, 30 min, and 1:5, respectively. Under those conditions, the encapsulation rate reached 80.1%. This method was simple and efficient, suitable for the microencapsulation of essential oil using β-cyclodextrin.