以鲜乳和发菜细胞为原料生产发菜功能性酸奶。试验结果表明在鲜牛乳中添加10%的发菜细胞,加入10%砂糖,0.15%的单干酯和0.2%的海藻酸钠(CMC),接入4%的保加利亚乳杆菌和乳酸链球菌的混合发酵剂(m/m=1:1)在44 ℃发酵至凝乳,就可以得到口感细腻,色泽淡绿,具有发菜特有的清香的发菜酸奶。
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A functional yogurt was prepared using fresh milk and Nostoc flagelliforme as raw materials. The results showed that the best contents of Nostoc flagelliforme, sucrose, stabilizer and emulisizer were 10%, 10%, 0.2% and 0.15%, respectively. And the best ratio of Lactobacillus bulgaricus to Streptococcus thermophilus, inoculum size and fermentation temperature were1:1, 4% and 44 ℃, respectively. Under those conditions, the yogurt was achieved with high quality.